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Beneath the Evergrowing Tree
The White Pine, symbol of the Great Peace between the Iroquois Nations, once dominated the Eastern Woodlands. Among its names are the World Tree, the Great Earth Tree, the Tree of Peace, the Celestial Tree and the Evergrowing Tree. It was thought to stand at the center of the world, bearing the sun and the moon aloft in its branches. …
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Thirteen Moons
The Iroquois (traditionally Haudenosaunee) people see the cycle of life in all of our ceremonies and thanksgivings. Turtle’s shell is our calendar with its pattern of 13 large plates representing the thirteen moons in each year & 28 smaller plates showing the 28 days from one new moon to the next. We say that the Moon is our Grandmother and …
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Woodland Spirits
Woodland Spirits,
children of the Earth and Sky
sing of Peace
beneath the Great White Pine-Dawn Dark Mountain
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Eagle is our messenger to the Creator and
Symbol of the Great Peace of the Iroquois Nation.
We honor him, he who flies the highest
Eagle remembers and always longs
for the Homelands,
Half-remembered, waiting in the past.